Bidding Closes: Monday, December 4, 2023
Starting At: 10:00 AM Central
Timed Online Auction Format
Items will sell from the Farm Progress Show grounds near Boone, Iowa.
Physical Address: 1833 217th Rd, Boone, IA 50036
VanWall Equipment
Contact: Mark See (515) 231-9179
Luke Sullivan (309) 371-5214
Trevor Frain (641) 202-4992
Check back for detailed listing, photos & bidding catalog to appear soon!
Special Note: 3.9% John Deere Financing for 4 year is available for Sprayers & Combines on this auction
- 2022 John Deere 8R 410 MFWD tractor, SN 1RW8410DKMB188163, stk # 831945
- 2021 John Deere 8R 370 MFWD tractor, SN 1RW8370DKMB184524, stk # 825752
- 2021 John Deere 8R 230 MFWD tractor, SN 1RW8230DJMA183442, stk # 836807
- 2018 John Deere 9470RX track tractor, SN 1RW9470RKJP807121, stk # 828712
- 2018 John Deere 8370RT track tractor, SN 1RW8370RAJD918533, stk # 832684
- 2016 John Deere 8345R MFWD tractor, SN 1RW8345RPGD111308, stk # 834862
- 2019 John Deere 8320R MFWD tractor, SN 1RW8320REKD142610, stk # 845144
- 2015 John Deere 8320R MFWD tractor, SN 1RW8320RTFD102407, stk # 829019
- 2013 John Deere 8360R MFWD tractor, SN 1RW8360RCDD070309, stk # 829971
- 2011 John Deere 9430 4WD tractor, SN 1RW9430PLBP022811, stk # 832082
- 2014 John Deere 6125R MFWD tractor, SN 1L06125RJEP800483, stk # 829106
- 2012 John Deere 6430 tractor, SN 1L06430PKBP705600, stk # 829774
- 1997 John Deere 7810 MFWD tractor, SN RW7810P002783, stk # 833881
- 2022 New Holland WorkMaster 75 MFWD tractor, SN VNAX00959, stk # 841865
- 2021 John Deere S780 combine, SN 1H0S780SKMT816339, stk # 830213
- 2021 John Deere S780 combine, SN 1H0S780SCMT816661, stk # 831643
- 2018 John Deere S780 combine, SN 1H0S780SCJ0801901, stk # 833151
- 2020 John Deere S760 combine, SN 1H0S760SJL0810093, stk # 821072
- 2016 John Deere S680 combine, SN 1H0S680SVG0785848, stk # 830561
- 2020 Claas 8800TT combine, SN C8900364, stk # 844841
- 2023 Case-IH 8250 combine, SN HAJF8N4MLPG253840, stk # 846930
- Case-IH 8250 combine, SN YKG238960, stk # 835261
- Case-IH 8250 combine, SN YKG238852, stk # 835262
- Case-IH 8250 combine, SN HAJF8N4LLMG247040, stk # 834027
- 2022 Case-IH 6150 combine, SN YMG017528, stk # 847136
- 2021 John Deere C12F 12 row corn head, SN 1H0C12FXHM0815658, stk # 822071
- 2021 John Deere C12F 12 row corn head, SN 1H0C12FXEM0815497, stk # 823649
- 2021 John Deere C12F 12 row corn head, SN 1H0C12FXHM0815465, stk # 825651
- 2020 John Deere 716C 16 row corn head, SN 1H00716CCLX810073, stk # 828569
- 2019 John Deere 712FC 12 row corn head, SN 1XF712FCLJC805061, stk # 823914
- 2019 John Deere 718C 18 row corn head, SN 1H00718CPKC805025, stk # 822420
- 2014 John Deere 618C 18 row corn head, SN 1H00618CEEC775012, stk # 832966
- 2013 John Deere 618C 18 row corn head, SN 1H00618CPDC755264, stk # 832967
- 2014 John Deere 616C 16 row corn head, SN 1H00616CJEC765204, stk # 823040
- 2011 John Deere 608C 8 row corn head, SN 1H0608CCPB0740158, stk # 829827
- 2010 John Deere 608C 8 row corn head, SN 1H0608CXAA0736586, stk # 828442
- 2009 John Deere 608C 8 row corn head, SN H0608CC730610, stk # 823458
- Drago 1230GT 12 row corn head, SN 1801365, stk # 847208
- Drago 1230F-GT 12 row corn head, SN 2002687, stk # 846916
- Case-IH 3408 8 row corn head, SN YDS040177, stk # 847137
- 2021 John Deere RD45F 45’ draper head, SN 1H0RD45FCM0815398, stk # 822483
- 2020 John Deere 745FD 45’ draper head, SN 1H0745FDPL0810397, stk # 821752
- 2020 John Deere 745FD 45’ draper head, SN 1H0745FDPL0810402, stk # 821751
- 2013 John Deere 640FD 40’ draper head, SN 1H0640FDAD0756610, stk # 832844
- 2012 John Deere 635F 35’ platform head, SN 1H00635FVC0746449, stk # 822996
- 2019 MacDon FD140 draper head, SN 351502-19, stk # 845722
- 2017 MacDon FD75 draper head, SN 311256, stk # 846554
- 2017 MacDon FD75 draper head, SN 309676, stk # 846555
- Case-IH 2162 40’ draper head, SN YD7N25022, stk # 847209
- 2022 John Deere 412R sprayer, SN 1N0412RXVN0224363, stk # 825131
- 2019 John Deere R4038 sprayer, SN 1N04038RCK0194814, stk # 823302
- 2017 John Deere R4038 sprayer, SN 1N04038RJH0174450, stk # 832944
- 2014 John Deere R4045 sprayer, SN 1N04045RCE0006212, stk # 827902
- 2012 John Deere 4830 sprayer, SN 1N04830XEC0023161, stk # 824019
- 2008 John Deere 4830 sprayer, SN N04830X003446, stk # 833057
- 2009 John Deere 4730 sprayer, SN N04730X005682, stk # 830978
- 1985 John Deere 6000 sprayer, SN E6000000834N, stk # 842459
- Agco RG1100 sprayer, SN AGCA1100LDNSL1274, stk # 831883
- Agco RG100 sprayer, SN AGCA1100JENGL1321, stk # 832974
- Agco TG7300 spreader, SN AGCA7300VENSN1064, stk #832971
- Agco 8244 spreader, SN AGCA8244VNT001016, stk # 832973
- Case-IH Titan 4020 spreader, SN Y7T022340, stk #832972
- Red Ball 670 pull-type sprayer, SN 03-01628, stk # 831645
- Hardi Commander pull-type sprayer, SN 1.40E+11, stk # 834647
- John Deere 2410C NH3 applicator, SN 1N02410CCF0760121, stk # 832378
- 2014 John Deere 2510H NH3 applicator, SN 1A82510HJE0755220, stk # 822653
- Blu-Jet AT6010 NH3 applicator, SN 11829, stk # 836961
- 2021 John Deere 1775NT CCS 24 row planter, SN 1A01775HCMM790569, stk # 823535
- 2020 John Deere 1775NT CCS 24 row planter, SN 1A01775HTLM785422, stk # 822534
- 2019 Kinze 3600 16 row planter, SN 111545, stk # 838018
- 2018 Kinze 3660 16 row planter, SN 109456, stk # 843176
- 2017 Kinze 3600 16 row planter, SN 108635, stk # 846927
- 2008 Kinze 3600 16 row planter, SN 622167, stk # 831879
- Kinze 3700 24 row planter, SN 751480, stk # 823982
- Case-IH 2150 12 row planter, SN YJS080002, stk # 841907
- 1998 John Deere 1760 12 row planter, SN H01760R675689, stk # 837857
- Kuhn 8005 Excellerator VT tool, SN 8005-34-A0665, stk # 827764
- 2010 John Deere 2210 field cultivator, SN N02210X010229, stk # 822326
- 2009 John Deere 2210 field cultivator, SN N02210X008115, stk # 823009
- 2004 John Deere 2210 field cultivator, SN N02210X000562, stk # 831478
- 1998 John Deere 980 field cultivator, SN N00980X011397, stk # 826939
- 1993 John Deere 980 field cultivator, SN N00980X000120, stk # 837143
- 2002 John Deere 650 disk, SN N00650X004815, stk # 829340
- John Deere 637 disk, SN N00637X005686, stk # 833368
- Case-IH TigerMate 200 field cultivator, SN JFH0013725, stk # 831771
- Case-IH 4300 field cultivator, SN JAG0621236, stk # 832002
- DMI TigerMate field cultivator, SN 121626, stk # 823470
- DMI TigerMate field cultivator, SN 720005, stk # 831479
- DMI 2500 inline ripper, SN 825080, stk # 847112
- Brent 1396 grain cart, SN B38260111, stk # 827765
- Brent 1196 grain cart, SN B32120143, stk # 827775
- Unverferth 1115 grain cart, SN B32490112, stk # 831343
- Unverferth 1115 grain cart, SN B30020127, stk # 831344
- Brent 1080 grain cart, SN B22520148, stk # 827478
- Brent 674 grain cart, SN B1627190, stk # 828572
- Parker 4000 gravity wagon, SN 68292, stk # 823672
- 2021 John Deere 560R round baler, SN 1E0560RDLMM478150, stk # 833039
- 2020 John Deere 560R round baler, SN 1E0560RDCLL468257, stk # 829418
- John Deere 946 mower conditioner, SN E00946T167246, stk # 823806
- New Holland H7450 mower conditioner, SN YBN089437, stk # 841321
- New Holland DuraDisc 109M disc mower, SN HBJDD109KKN149832, stk # 833656
- Kuhn GMD700 disc mower, SN D8032, stk # 840731 -** Kuhn SR300-12 hay rake,** SN C0060, stk # 827618
- Brandt 5200EX grain vac, SN 120850, stk # 827932
- MC 180 stalk chopper, SN 57865, stk # 841059
- Soucy 32” combine tracks, SN 2790023, stk # 827525
- ATI/JD 36” combine tracks, SN XF5000L050321, stk # 823738
- John Deere 512 loader, SN 1P00512XVJX032374, stk # 824092
- Frontier AB13E bale spear, SN XFAB13E001759, stk # 335690
- 2021 Case TV450B compact track loader, SN NLM492096, stk # 838979
- 2021 Case TR340B compact track loader, SN NMM498000, stk # 846411
- 2020 Case TR310 compact track loader, SN JAFTR310KJM451179, stk # 844949
- 2020 Cat 289D3 compact track loader, SN CAT0289DJJX905203, stk # 845427
- 2020 Bobcat T870 compact track loader, SN B47C14634, stk # 842458
- 2016 John Deere 333G compact track loader, SN 1T0333GKLGF302012, stk # 834658
- 2014 John Deere 329E compact track loader, SN 1T0329EKTEE261074, stk # 833250